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What People Say

Over the years, Workshop has touched the lives of thousands of people. Since the early 1980’s, people have come to Workshop weekends to learn, grow and develop in their faith.

These people have gone on to discover or deepen their vocations, rekindle their faith, or even teach Workshop courses themselves. This page is a chance for you to hear from Workshop participants about how it has affected them.

Personal Growth

  • "Workshop increased my vision."
  • "Workshop has something for everyone who wants to grow."

Exploring Faith

  • "Workshop integrates both biblical testaments into a single whole."
  • "Workshop is practical and applied, yet sufficiently theological for maturing Christians."

Expanding Horizons

  • "My interaction with people from different church backgrounds was a source of personal growth and development."
  • "Workshop enabled me to mix and share with different people on a deep level."

Looking to the Future

  • "Workshop inspires Christians to get involved with their local communities."
  • "Workshop enabled me to see where my faith has come from, and so made it easier to see where we should be going."
  • "Workshop prepares those who wish to pursue theological studies at a higher level."


How can Workshop teaching benefit you, your church or community?

Find free learning resources on our Workshop Source page; or let us bring Workshop to you with our bespoke Workshop Focus days.

Feedback from our recent Focus Days:

  • "Wonderful day of thinking about Shalom. What it means and how we might live in it. Much food for thought!"
  • "Fascinating and enthralling subject matter. Life changing in many ways. Very welcoming and well hosted."